Product Safety Announcement
Being parents ourselves, we are guided by a strong commitment to only distribute brands that ensure rigorous testing that provide consumers with safe products and one that meet and exceed safety standards.
Oribel HQ in Singapore made improvements to the Cocoon’s left and right legs to make it sturdier. While the high chair meets and exceeds ASTM and EAN standards, they saw that excessive rocking may cause cracks and breaks to it. This only applies to old Cocoon units manufactured prior August 2018 or legs with no “R” marked. All units being sold as of February 2019 to present are not part of this batch.
We recommend replacing your legs even without cracks and breaks. If your high chair has any visible cracks, please discontinue use until you receive your repair kit.
How to check your Cocoon
You can check if your Cocoon could be affected from its manufacturing date and presence of an ‘R’ mark on the hinge hubs of the legs.
1. If your Cocoon was manufactured in Aug 2018 or later, it is not affected
2. If your Cocoon was manufactured in July 2018 or before, and has a ‘R’ mark on the hinge hub of its legs, it is not affected.
3. If your Cocoon was manufactured before in or before July 2018 and does NOT have a ‘R’ mark, it is affected.
Identify the Manufacturing Month

Identify The R Mark
The R mark at the hinge hub means that your Cocoon highchair is NOT affected.